Humidor Cigars On A Couch

Enjoying a cigar fresh from the humidor on a comfortable couch in my den is one of my favorite ways to wind down after a long day of work or play. Whether I've been at the office all day or out duck hunting there's no better way to relax at the end of a long day than by popping out a favorite cigar from a near by humidor and enjoying from the comfort and solitude of a man's own home.

I know that I'm not just speaking for myself in describing how pleasurable this experience is for my as numerous friends have relayed enjoying the same relaxing habit. Of course it's nice to chew on a stogie on the golf course or to enjoy one while cherishing a breathtaking view but for my money nothing beats the comfort of home and the peace I feel as the king of my own castle while enjoying a favorite cigar.

Some folks enjoy watching Sportscenter while chilling on the couch and others would rather put on the some music and some people like myself enjoy a moment of complete silence and self reflection as the hassles of the day just melt away.

Although my personal furniture piece of choice is a mahogany colored sofa that my wife and I picked up years ago personal preference in everything both in terms of cigar taste (no pun intended) and how a man decides to decorate his home.

When living in a secluded area of Idaho during ski seasons I came across a number of folks whose idea of the perfect place to put their feet up after a long day was on a Boise State University (BSU) couch where they could peacefully light up their regional cigars and reflect on the years they've spent in the area dating all the way back to their time at their alma mater, the Boise State Broncos.

While my preferences might change from season to season ultimately there's nothing better than relaxing on a fine couch comfortably indoors on a snowy Idaho day next to a crackling fireplace fire during a sunny day as snowflakes gently drift to earth.